> Site Help


1.How to browse NAMKWONG's website to have the best effect?

This website is designed with XHTML+CSS and passed W3C certification. Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional 

Old browser editions (e.g. IE6) don't support CSS. We advise you to use new IE editions or firefox, chrome and Safari to browse the website at 1366×768 screen resolution. 

2.Is there traditional Chinese and foreign editions of NAMKWONG's website?

Click "Traditional Chinese" or "English" on top of the homepage to enter the corresponding pages.

3.Why isn't there any reaction after clicking the news photos on the homepage?

The browser doesn't allow new windows under default security setup. Please click "allow" in the pop-up window. If you are using IE, please add this website to the list of allowed websites in "Internet Options - Privacy - Stop Pop-up Window - Setup".

4.How to search for information on NAMKWONG's website?

Type the keyword in the search box on the upper right of the page. Click the magnifier.

5.How to save the current page?

Click "Save - Add to Favorites" in the browser. You can change the webpage name and click "OK".

6.What should I do if there is messy code on the page?

In that case, check "Coding" in the browser and select "Unicode UTF-8".

7.How to contact NAMKWONG?

If you have any problem or advice regarding this website, please click "Contact Us" at the bottom of the webpage for contact information.

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