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Airport Oil Depot under Nam Kwong Petroleum & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Passes Successfully the Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification

Date:2018-12-19 Source:Nam Kwong Petroleum & Chemicals Visits:

Time: 2018-12-13 Source: Nam Kwong Petroleum & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Views: 52 [Text Size: Large Medium Small]

From November 28th to 29th, a team of experts from Hong Kong Bureau Veritas conducted an external certification audit of the quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management system the Company's subsidiary airport oil depot.

At the beginning of 2018, the airport oil depot officially launched the integration and standardisation work of management systems including ISO9001, 14001 and 45001. The airport oil depot invited industry experts to conduct environmental health and safety training for all employees, with the aim to improve employees' awareness of environmental protection and safety. In accordance with the requirements of the system standards and learning from the advanced management experience of domestic and foreign practices, the oil depot updated the existing quality management manuals, procedure documents and operating procedures, so as to ensure standards can be met throughout daily management. Besides, actively carry out all-round internal audits, track non-conformities in rectification, and lay the foundation for the smooth implementation of the system. The external audit panel gave a satisfactory remark after assessing the management system documents, on-site operations, process flow, and safety environment.

The airport oil depot successfully passed the integrated certification of the three management systems, which had a positive impact on promoting a more standardized, regulated and refined management of the airport oil depot. The airport oil depot will implement the benchmarking requirements, and on the basis of ensuring the effective operation of the system, continue to improve the management quality so as to achieve more significant management performance.


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