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The First Show of Nam Kwong Logistics in Grand Prix Helps the 65th Macao Grand Racing

Date:2018-12-19 Source:Nam Kwong Logistics Visits:

Time: 2018-11-20 Source: Nam Kwong Logistics Co., Ltd. Views: 24 [Text Size: Large Medium Small]

The high-level Grand Prix Grand Racing held on 15th of this month has a history of 65 years. It is the largest international race in Macao. The Grand Prix Racing includes excellent racing events such as single electric vehicle, super-RV and F 3 racing.

With the brand effect of Nam Kwong, Nan Kwong Logistics has been recognized by the Macao Racing Association of China. For the first time, Nam Kwong Logistics has been introduced as a designated supplier of the grand racing, responsible for carrying the F3 and WCTR cars of the grand racing.

On November 11, Nam Kwong Logistics delivered the racing vehicles safely to the circuit and delivered them to the racing teams in accordance with the working schedule drawn up by the Racing Association. The first half of the service was completed smoothly. This cooperation between Nam Kwong Logistics and Macau Racing Association is not only the first show of Nam Kwong Logistics in Grand Prix Racing, but also represents that Nam Kwong Logistics has the credibility and ability to undertake large-scale events, pushing the specialized service of Nam Kwong Logistics to a new height.


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